Sunday Night, Monday Night, and Thursday Night Football Games.

Qualifiers & Payouts

NO SCORE (Half-Time or End of Game): $150

Each time one of the above qualifiers is met during a football game, a LUCKY POKER TABLE will be drawn. On the following hand, once the rewards are prepared, the selected table will receive a "SPLASH" in the amount of the stated qualifier.


1. Seating Requirement:
Players must be seated at the poker table prior to the announcement of the splash pot table number and have been previously dealt in.

2. Blinds and Missed Buttons:
Players with missed blinds or out buttons are not excluded from participating, but must pay or post any owed amounts before the splash pot is applied to the hand.

3. Timing of the Splash Pot:
The splash pot will be added at the beginning of the next hand immediately following the announcement of the selected table.

4. Eligible Games:
All active poker games in the poker room are eligible for this promotion.

5. Distribution of Splash Pots:
The splash pots will be administered by the FSR/Key Floor personnel working in the designated section of the poker room.

All management decisions are final. Must be 21 years or older to play. Must be a member of the Player Rewards to participate. Management reserves the right to cancel this promotion at any time without notice. GEAR-001054 Gamble Responsibly 1-800-GAMBLER. BSIS License No. 1358
